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Docks for any type of vessel? We have them!
Docks for any type of vessel? We have them!
In the last month of summer, a 197m long and 32.6m wide bulk carrier KUMPULA of ESL Shipping Ltd left BLRT Repair Yards in Klaipeda after a 5-year class survey
During repairs specialists of the yard from various departments performed typical survey jobs:
– hull treatment
– overboard valves overhaul
– bow thruster overhaul
– CPP seals renewal
But the list of works wouldn`t be complete without mentioning steel repairs in the bulbous bow area. The total amount of replaced steel reached ~ 15 tons
Another notable job during project implementation was the full treatment of 5 cargo holds, roughly ~ 16500 m2 of surfaces.
Now, M/S KUMPULA is sailing in another part of the world all nice and shiny both inside and outside!