MINERVA HELEN, an Aframax size Crude Oil Tanker has visited Turku Repair Yard (TRY), one of BLRT REPAIR YARDS, members of BLRT Grupp for an intermediate survey.
Team TRY performed hull treatment and painting works of appx 20 000 m2 of the tanker`s surfaces. In addition to hull treatment jobs, team TRY completed other intermediate survey works to meet the requirements of the customer and classification society.
Thanks to cooperation with the management company of the vessel, Minerva Marine Inc., and the vessel crew, all jobs were executed smoothly and we can`t thank them enough for their support during the vessel`s stay in Naantali, Turku.
M/T Minerva Helen is a 243.57 m long and 42.00 m wide crude oil tanker with a DWT 103643.40t that is managed by BLRT Repair Yards` good customer Minerva Marine Inc.
It is worth mentioning that M/T MINERVA HELEN is not the first vessel under the same management visiting BLRT Repair Yards. In January 2021, Western Shiprepair, another BLRT yard in Klaipeda, Lithuania accepted the 184.27 m long MR Product IMO II/III Chemical Tanker MINERVA TYCHI.